September 2024

Dove’s virtual beauty

Dove’s virtual beauty

In its latest campaign, Dove has taken a significant step by bringing the concept of "real beauty" into the world of video games with its new campaign, created by Lola MullenLowe. This effort aims to change beauty standards in an environment where idealized images often feel unrealistic. Such initiatives demonstrate how excellence in programming, modeling, and 3D design can transform people’s perceptions from anywhere.

Real beauty: beyond the visual

With this campaign, Dove seeks not only a change in visual representation but also invites us to question and redefine beauty standards. By introducing diverse avatars in video games based on real women, Dove is showing the world that true beauty lies in authenticity—a powerful message that can be perfectly explored in the virtual space.



What does it take to make projects like Dove’s campaign successful in the virtual world?

We believe these projects require a perfect blend of high-quality programming, real-world physics implementation, and 3D design that aligns with the campaign's goals:

  1. Precise and efficient environment programming: Ensuring each avatar functions seamlessly and provides a smooth user experience, the expertise must ensure everything operates flawlessly.
  2. Design reflecting diversity: An inclusive design approach aims to represent true diversity, making each user feel seen and valued. Every detail matters, and it was crucial to ensure the avatars were an authentic representation of real life.
  3. Maximum innovation: The virtual world evolves rapidly, and companies must keep pace. Staying updated with the latest trends and technologies to offer fresh and effective solutions that meet market needs, from reaching the final consumer in their showcase to addressing the beliefs of a community like gamers.

What do the geeks think?

Dove’s campaign demonstrates how effective use of scanning and 3D modeling can bring something completely true to life into the virtual world, changing the game and challenging standards of character representation. At Geek Vibes, we have a deep appreciation for projects that break molds and offer fresh and authentic solutions.



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